We provide a comprehensive service in patents, trademarks, designs, copyright and other aspects of intellectual property registrations.
Lawyers and Patent and Trademark Attorneys
Vinohradská 17
CZ – 120 00 PRAHA 2
Czech Republic
Phone: + 420- 222 252 782
Mobile: + 420- 602 106 021
Fax: + 420- 222 251 032
E-mail: of****@vi********.com
Web: http://vilemdanek.com
Responsible Attorney:
Ing. Vilém Daněk, PhD., LL.M.
Patent and Trademark Attorney
ID: 71183264
VAT ID: CZ 7012042928
Czech Patent Attorney Reg. No: 0356
European Trade Mark Attorney No.: 26 724
European Patent Attorney No.: 132 320
Power of Attorney form available here.
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